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Together, Let's Double the Impact for the Student Cupboard!

Raised toward our $82,000 Goal
257 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Campaign goal raised to $82k!

March 15, 2017

Thank you for supporting March Match Up! Your gift has helped fuel the campaign and inspire others to give. In fact, Michael Treviño joined the two lead community partners with a pledge of $32,000 in additional matching funds to battle student hunger issues at Fresno State. With this additional commitment, the total amount of matching funds is up to $82,000, which means the campaign has the opportunity to generate $164,000 or more for the Student Cupboard! Please share this exciting news and challenge friends and family to join the cause. March Match Up is a team effort where every donation counts and every slam dunk helps. Go 'Dogs! #FSmarchmatchup

Choose a giving level


Contribute $60

Food insecurity is a growing issue on college campuses, and Fresno State is focused on providing all students access to healthy food, resources and education.


Contribute $120

Did you know? One in three Fresno State students doesn't know where their next meal is coming from.


Contribute $240

More than 3,300 students visit the Student Cupboard each month.


Contribute $500

Including families, more than 48,000 individuals benefit from the Student Cupboard.


Contribute $1,000

While the Student Cupboard was initially funded by the Fresno State Office of the President, today it is funded through community support.

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