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Geologic Generosity!

Raised toward our $2,655 Goal
60 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Geologic Generosity


Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have stretched our goal for this project. We are still raising funds to support our Geology Club members and their amazing contributions to Fresno State. Please keep sharing the project, encourage others to give, and support our students as we grow this award. Thank you very much for supporting our club!

The Geology Club at Fresno State is composed primarily of students from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences who are majoring in geology, environmental science, or natural sciences (earth science option). The purpose of this organization is multifaceted: create an inclusive atmosphere for members to develop and diversify their leadership skills and knowledge in the field of geology; engage members in community-based social events such as field trips, camping trips, barbecues, conducting outreach, and attending or presenting at conferences; provide members with the opportunity to form long-lasting connections with peers and professionals; and instill the desire for self-improvement, scholastic excellence, and the cultivation of civic responsibility; all to inspire the next generation of Geoscientists. Our tight-knit community of students comes together to promote the academic and social well-being of members through the ups and downs of life, which helps to provide a sense of purpose for students when the pathway to graduation seems unattainable. 

Your tax-deductible donation will go towards supporting and ensuring the environmental health and safety of the Central Valley. The local geoscience community, which is largely made up of Fresno State alumni, is responsible for providing expertise in many different environmental sectors. Without geoscientists, we would not know (1) safe places to build hospitals, schools, or highways; (2) where to find gas or other fuels to power our cars; (3) whether we have enough water and whether that water is safe to drink; (4) where to mine the various minerals that are essential to technology and modern-day life; (5) why we have beautiful scenery like that of the Sierra Nevada mountains; (6) why California is the earthquake capital of the country; (7) the conditions that contribute to natural hazards such as landslides and rock falls; (8) the potential risks to coastal cities such as increased sea levels and coastal erosion in the face of climate change. These are only a few examples of geologic problems that affect billions of people around the world. By joining us as a donor, you become an essential partner in shaping the future of geoscience, empowering our students to tackle pressing environmental challenges and make a lasting impact on our community and beyond. 

Our students at Fresno State go on to study and solve environmental problems with global significance. The image below shows a snapshot of the various places our students have ended up working in the Central Valley. Please consider supporting the Geology Club so that our students, and future alumni, can go on to benefit our community at large. Your generous contribution to the Geology Club will directly empower our students to continue their journey towards becoming the next generation of environmental leaders, ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for our community and beyond.

Choose a giving level


Gypsum Donor

A soft, clear-to-white mineral used commonly in building materials. Perfect to form the foundation of our project!


Calcite Donor

A major component of limestone with uses ranging from construction to medicine. Its versatility is just what we need to meet all our members’ needs!


Fluorite Donor

A translucent mineral used as the source of fluoride, a major component of toothpaste and mouthwash. Strengthening our teeth and our club!


Apatite Donor

Typically a green to blue colored mineral that forms hexagonal crystals and is commonly used in fertilizers. Growing our food and our geologic interest!


Quartz Donor

A strong mineral with a wide range of colors and names. Amethyst, citrine, aventurine, whatever you call it, its strength and diversity match the resolve of our club and all its members


Topaz Donor

While most yellow gems get misidentified as this mineral, only topaz has a hardness that falls short of only garnet and diamond. Help our club stand out from the rest!


Garnet Donor

A popular gemstone with industrial uses as an abrasive. Help our members smooth out their rough edges!


Diamond Donor

An incredibly strong and beautiful mineral used in industry and fashion. Show our members that your support is just as strong and help them shine!

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