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Help Them Pass- Fueling Future RDN

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
18 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Help Them Pass- Fueling Future RDN

Supporting future Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) graduate students in their education-to-practice journey of a combined master's and experiential supervised practice dietetic internship. Our students need competency tools to help them pass the credentialing exam.

Your gift provides competency-based tools, such as exam prep materials, helping students start studying early and avoid post-graduation costs. Each exam attempt costs $200; study materials range from $500 to $1000 per student. Your support paves their path to success.

These funds will enable us to provide crucial support to Future RDNs in their final stages of education-to-practice. By offering them preparatory materials and competency development tools, we are investing in the professional growth of future healthcare leaders in our community. This, in turn, ensures that our area has well-trained and highly skilled nutrition experts who can provide essential services to residents.

Choose a giving level


An Apple TODAY

An apple TODAY, will help pay the way.


Broccoli Bushel

Broccoli comes in bushels. Thanks for adding some additional green dollars to your support.


Kale is King

Kale Kash King at this level provides almost 1/2 the cost of one exam prep tool subscription for one of our interns.


The "Whole" Avocado

We know you 'whole heartedly' support our program at this level.


Plant-Based Protein Orchard

Thank you for seeding the orchard. This level will fund one intern a full subscription to an exam prep tool.


MyPlate Meal Plan

Help at this level, is a focus on variety, amount, and benefits for all interns. This amount will fund 2 interns' subscriptions to an exam prep tool.

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