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Hub of Digital Transformation and Innovation

Raised toward our $1,200 Goal
2 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
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Support the Hub of Digital Transformation and Innovation (DXI)

“Working on the Bulldog Genie has helped me expand my own ideas and open up to other possible ideas in the future. The technology that we are using is not technology that I would be able to experience in the classroom and actually being able to see how it actually works with real people has helped me expand my own view of things in the classroom.” 

- Genesis Chinchilla, DXI Hub Intern


The DXI Hub strives to inspire students to apply their education toward developing innovative solutions to real-world problems, using the best and latest technologies to prepare the next generation of leaders for a technology-driven world.   

Students are encouraged to explore, innovate, and create with emerging technologies to enhance their learning experience, develop valuable digital literacy skills, and receive opportunities to work side-by-side with community partners and technology companies in the region and beyond.

Your gift will help support year-long internships that provide students with opportunities to work on technology-empowered projects in an interdisciplinary group setting while utilizing cutting-edge technology to solve real-life issues.


The DXI Hub supports approximately 20 student interns over a single academic year. Throughout their internship, students receive one-on-one mentorship opportunities from Technology Services staff members who help them focus on the creation of sustainable and innovative solutions to real challenges in the community and across campus. With the guidance of a professional mentor, students assess problems and help discover ways to implement practical solutions for real clients.

One of the most recent projects meant to serve Fresno State’s nearly 25,000 students is the Bulldog Genie — an artificial intelligence-powered and personalized digital assistant designed to guide students through campus life. 

With this project, DXI Hub interns successfully combined the process of automation with artificial intelligence, natural language understanding, and robotics to implement intelligent process automation (IPA) technology that streamlined campus support services. Available as an online resource, this service provides students with timely and comprehensive information related to a range of issues, including how to locate a building on campus or how to apply for financial aid.

The DXI Hub plays a vital role in supporting innovation efforts and connecting student innovators across Fresno State and the local community. The DXI Hub promotes better student outcomes, improves the student experience, and creates greater efficiencies through three focus areas:

  • Accelerating innovation with programs and collaborative projects. 
  • Fostering a culture of innovation through community activities.
  • Exploring emerging technology areas.

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DXI Hub interns are constantly innovating to be on par with advancing technology.



DXI Hub interns create and reimagine what virtual spaces at Fresno State can look like



DXI Hub interns are empowered to research and find better solutions to technological problems.



DXI Hub interns accelerate their learning with a hands-on environment.



DXI Hub interns enhance Fresno State with student projects like the Bulldog Wellness Bot, Project Ignite, and the MVP student communication platform.



DXI Hub interns inspire students to expand their learning outside the classroom and beyond.

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