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Let's Support our Future Healthcare Professionals!

Let's Support our Future Healthcare Professionals! Image
Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
4 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Let’s Support Future Health Care Professionals

It is a little-known fact – we do not produce enough health care professionals to meet our demand.

That is why, nearly forty years ago, the Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) was created. HCOP at Fresno State, is a program that supports students with aspirations of becoming future doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and a myriad of other health care professions.

The program is dedicated to supporting students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds interested in pursuing a career in the health and allied health professions.

So far, over 750 HCOP alumni have completed their health care education, with nearly 75% returning to practice right here in Central California. Your health care provider may even be a graduate of the HCOP program!  

How can you help? By making a crowdfunding gift today. Your gift to HCOP will provide funds for efforts like, but not limited to:

  • Preparation for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) or the Dental Admission Test (DAT) – approximately $500-3000 for each prep course and test.
  • Student outreach and engagement.
  • Travel for professional development and site visits.
  • Technological and logistical support
  • Unique and unexpected opportunities and needs
Choose a giving level


HCOP Student Support

Needs like, but not limited to, support for HCOP students to attend pre-professional health conferences.


Outreach + Engagement

Needs like, but not limited to, outreach and engagement support to help increase the number of future medical professionals.


Support for HCOP Activities

Needs like, but are not limited to, planning and marketing of HCOP activities or expenses related to HCOP meetings, including food, beverages, rental, or speaker fees.


Pre-professional Support

Needs like, but are not limited to, underwriting transportation costs for HCOP pre-professional conferences.

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