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The Portuguese-American Legacy: Archiving our History

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
178 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

On our way!!!

October 16, 2021

Thanks to all who have donated!  We are very grateful for your generosity.  Please pass the information to your family and friends.  We are rolling out our new PBBI Oral history collection page in our Henry Madden Library.  We are working on getting Bruma Publications ready to be and running.  We are collecting more oral histories and starting to collect all the information for our second documentary focusing on the FESTA in the Portuguese-American experience in California.  We are doing weekly events to bring more awareness of the Portuguese legacy in California.  We are constantly working on projects to build bridges between all the Portuguese-speaking countries and California.  We are constantly working on projects to bring together the community and a more fruitful relationship between our Diaspora in the Azores. We are committed to offering our students more opportunities to study in Portugal and the Azores.  

Please help us with these and other daily tasks by donating, if you haven't and those who have if you could please send this to your network of family and friends.  




300 donors

October 14, 2021

Hello everyone:

Thanks so much for your generous gifts to PBBI-Fresno State.

We would love to reach 300 donors this year.  We would love to have all of our community involved.  Our donations start at just $20 dollars.  We hope that those who haven't can join us and we archive and disseminate the Portuguese Legacy in California.  Thanks to all 81 donors thus far.  If you could pass the word to your family members and friends we certainly could achieve our goal of 300 donors by the end of October.  The first year we were able to collect over 17 thousand dollars and last year over 15 thousand.  Thanks to your generosity we believe that we can reach our goal of 300 donors and achieve an amount in line with the prior two years.  

Many Thanks--Muito Obrigado



Choose a giving level



contributing to our project of archiving the history of the Portuguese in the Valley



Supporting PBBI as we archive the Portuguese-American Legacy in the Valley and through the state to create an ongoing body of work for our students.



The PBBU patron assists PBBI in creating community outreach and archival materials for the Central California Portuguese-American Oral History archive.



As a Pillar contributor, you are helping PBBI cover the costs of transcripts, archival costs, and student outreach so we can reach as many students as possible and have them be part of our efforts in collecting Oral History.



As a Benefactor, you are assuring PBBI's commitment to recording, transcribing, and archiving the Oral History of the Portuguese-American Community at all levels.



As a Legacy contributor, you are assuring that the Portuguese-American history is archived and available to all through the University library, including providing funding to train future interviewers in and outside of academia.

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