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Support Hands-On Learning with the WET Center!

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
35 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Students Need Hands-On Experiences Now More Than Ever.

What is the WET Center? 

The Water, Energy and Technology (WET) Center is housed on Fresno State’s campus, right next to the Dairy Unit, and our mission is to support water, energy and ag-tech innovators and entrepreneurs on their path to commercialization through training, coaching and networking. Through our innovative programming (like BlueTechValley and Valley Ventures), and with the help of students, we are able to further support those ventures all the while reaching a more sustainable future. 

The Benefits of Hands-On Learning:

Fresno State prides itself on enhancing the student experience by offering hands-on learning opportunities to students both on and off-campus  -- The Water, Energy and Technology (WET) Center is no different in providing such opportunities! A recent survey showed two-thirds of employers look for graduates with relevant work experience when hiring. Hands-on learning experiences help to fill the gaps as students prepare for success upon graduation! The COVID-19 pandemic makes for a more difficult environment in working with others, connecting with industry contacts, and furthering students' careers and skills.

How Can I Help?

The WET Center is strongly committed and connected to the water, energy, and ag-technology startup community, and can not only facilitate exciting and relevant student work with startups and the WET Center Team but can also help in facilitating the sharpening of skills among the student population. With your generous donation, we hope to give 10 students the chance for 3 - 6 months of paid, real-working experience in solving real problems, for real companies  - kick-starting their careers right here in the Central Valley. We hope you will consider a donation of any size in supporting our efforts to enhance the hands-on student learning experiences.

Thank you, and Go ‘Dogs! 

Learn more about the WET Center here - 

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Time is Money

The average time per week that students spend at work is about 20 hours. That’s a lot of time that students get to work with our ventures, dive into our programs, and perform other activities that help them sharpen their skills needed to enter the water, energy and technology industries without a hitch. $20 goes a long way!


Sustainability = Success

The demand for sustainable agricultural technology is expected to rise 70% by 2050. The WET Center’s mission is to help meet that need, all the while allowing students to be part of the crucial business growth and development process that companies receive here at the center. Commercialization doesn’t happen overnight, and neither does personal and professional growth. A donation of $50 means that by 2050, we are helping meet the needs for a more sustainable future, and helping students be part of it, too!


It’s Electrifying!

California has set a huge goal of using 100% clean electric power by 2045. (That’s only 24 years away!) While our ventures discover ways to meet that goal, students also have the opportunity to work side-by-side with them in solving the real-world problems facing energy usage in California. A donation of $100 would help ventures and students work together to meet that goal of 100% clean electricity power by 2045.


Let’s Feed the World

More than 250 different crops are grown in the Central Valley with an estimated value of $17 billion per year. Using fewer than 1% of U.S. farmland, the Central Valley supplies 8% of U.S. agricultural output (by value) and produces ¼ (you read that right!) of the Nation's food, including 40% of the Nation's fruits, nuts, and other table foods. We feed the world! A $250 dollar donation would allow for students to engage in research and testing in making our crops more sustainable.


Invest in California's Future

According to Bloomberg, global investment in clean energy hit just over $500 billion in 2020, with an increase of 9% compared to 2019. A donation of $500 is not only an investment in California's clean energy future but in those who are our future - STUDENTS!


Top Dog

Fresno State’s thousand-acre farm serves as a place for students and our ventures to test their knowledge, technologies, and provide real-world solutions to many issues facing the agriculture industry. A $1000 donation would further allow students and ventures to work side by side in solving those issues right on Fresno State’s campus!

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