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Support the Society of Women Engineers!

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
30 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Support The Society Of Women Engineers, CSU Fresno!

What is SWE? 

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) focuses on promoting diversity in engineering, specifically the large gender gap. The mission statement is to empower women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion. Our organization does this by offering professional development opportunities, advocating through K-12 outreach, and creating a supporting community for our members.

Facts About Women in Engineering: 

Women are the minority gender in engineering. 1 in 5 engineers are women. Engineers have a huge impact on society as they are constantly designing everyday products used by people. Diversity in engineering allows diverse solutions to benefit the majority of human life.

Women in Engineering at Lyles College of Engineering (LCOE): 

Did you know out of the 1555 students at Lyles College of Engineering, only 251 of them a women!? That's 16%!

How can you help? 

Your donation helps our organization focus on SWE's mission at Fresno State. By helping more female LCOE students successfully graduate and obtain a professional career in engineering, we hope to create a bigger community of women to inspire the future generation of girls to pursue engineering. A SWE membership is the perfect professional tool to do so and we want to be able to provide for all of our members who are not able to obtain this great opportunity at the national level. This chain reaction is going to help close the gender gap.

Go Dogs!

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Helping Hand

A female LCOE student is 50% sponsored for 1 year of membership and has access to resources to help her develop professionally



A female LCOE student is sponsored for 1 year of membership and has access to resources to help her develop professionally


Collegiate to Career (C2C)

A female LCOE student is sponsored for 4 years of undergrad and their first year as a professional with a SWE membership. They will be able to access all of their career and training resources.


Ultimate SWEester Supporter

Thank you for your support. Two female LCOE students are sponsored for 4 years of undergrad and their first year as a professional with a SWE membership. They will be able to access all of their career and training resources.

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