Support Computer Science Students!

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM PDT
Project Owners

Innovators in Tech - Support Computer Science Students

Computer Science Students at California State University, Fresno need your support!



As quickly as technology changes, we want to be on the cutting edge of what's hot and new. We want to send our students to the workplace with practical skills and knowledge. This entails access to the newest technology. 



By reaching this goal we plan on providing our CS community at Fresno State a collaborative environment to grow their technical skills as well as get to know each other. We know during this pandemic, it is very difficult to form connections and collaborate. We are planning to utilize these funds to organize workshops, hackathons, and many more virtual opportunities. 



Help mobilize our students for a successful career, your donations will directly provide resources to helpful tools that students can use to better market themselves.


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A bit is a single binary value of either 1 or 0.



A nibble is a group of 4 Bits!



A Byte is equal to 8 Bits!



A Kilobyte is made up of 1024 Bytes.



1 Megabyte is made up of 1024 Kilobytes.

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